Across industries, professionals from working class backgrounds get paid less, take longer to progress and feel that they can’t bring their authentic self to work. At the same time, socio-economic background and its consequences do not receive as much attention as the other strands across the diversity agenda.
We want to change that.
It takes the poorest families 5 generations, equal to 150 years, to reach just national average income (approximately £30,000 in the UK)
Working class graduates with a first class degree from a Russell Group university are still less likely to enter top occupations than a graduate from a privileged background with a 2:2
Even when they enter elite occupations, working class professionals earn 16% less than their middle class colleagues in the same set of jobs
Working class women earn on average £7500 less per year than privileged women in the same set of jobs
Black British individuals from working class backgrounds earn on average £6000 less per year than Black British colleagues from privileged backgrounds in the same set of jobs
& there is so much more! We discuss the above and industry specific inequalities in Season One so be sure to tune in
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Climbing The Rungs, 2021, All rights reserved